
chemical control Learn more about chemical control

  • Cotton chemical control is fastidious.

    Cotton chemical control is fastidious.

    In recent years, with the widespread application of insect-resistant cotton, plastic film mulching and chemical control technology, cotton farmers have some bad cultivation tendency in cotton cultivation technology, especially in chemical control technology (hereinafter referred to as chemical control). If we do not pay attention to timely and appropriate chemical control, the cotton field will grow excessively, the vegetative growth is too prosperous, and the buds, flowers and bolls fall off seriously, which eventually leads to the formation of high, large and empty cotton plants, and serious lodging in the later stage of wind and rain, resulting in great losses. In chemical control, we should aim to stabilize the shelf of high yield, increase buds and protect bolls, and master the "look at the sky, the earth and the seedlings".

  • Grasp the time and methods of chemical control of cotton

    Grasp the time and methods of chemical control of cotton

    Although the sowing of cotton is late, the development of cotton seedlings is also late. By the first ten days of June, the well-growing cotton fields in the north have now had 7 to 8 true leaves, and some have already budded. Around June 10, most cotton fields will enter the budding stage one after another. On June 10, most cotton fields have three fruit branches, but this year there will be two less fruit branches, and there will be no peaches or fewer peaches, which is not necessarily a bad thing. It can save the work of removing early buds and 1 or 2 fruit branches in the lower part, which is conducive to reducing rotten bolls and stiff bolls. According to the results of the cotton plant survey in Guoxin, the cotton owner is from June 10 to July 10.

  • Cotton chemical control technology

    Cotton chemical control technology

    Cotton chemical control is the use of chemical control means to shape cotton into an ideal plant type and create a population with high light efficiency. 1. Chemical control status and function of cotton is a typical light-loving crop. High yield, early maturity and high quality of cotton in the precocious cotton area of eastern Hebei need to be realized by reasonable close planting, but reasonable close planting will inevitably aggravate the contradiction in the utilization of space and light energy between individuals and groups in the middle and later stage. Therefore, cotton chemical control has become an important supporting measure for reasonable close planting, and it is also the core content of promoting early stress resistance, especially simplifying the cultivation technology system. At present, Ketamine is used in cotton chemical control.

  • The time of corn chemical control, what medicine should be used?

    The time of corn chemical control, what medicine should be used?

    The time of corn chemical control: the time of using exuberant is the 8-10 leaf stage of corn, that is, the early jointing stage of corn. The kinds of chemical control agents commonly used in corn are corn fortifier, ethephon, metoprolol, trimethoprim, paclobutrazol, ammonia fat and so on.

    2020-11-08 Corn chemical control time use what medicine abstract corn
  • Shortcomings of Chemical Pesticide Control

    Shortcomings of Chemical Pesticide Control

    Shortcomings of Chemical Pesticide Control

  • Zero growth in the use of fertilizers and pesticides launched

    Zero growth in the use of fertilizers and pesticides launched

    On March 17, the Ministry of Agriculture said that it would launch a nationwide campaign to implement zero growth in the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and strive to achieve more than 40% of the utilization rate of chemical fertilizers and pesticides of major crops by 2020, an increase of 7% and 5% respectively over 2013.

    2016-03-20 Fertilizer Pesticide use Zero growth Action launch March 17
  • Scientific Chemical Control Technology of Cotton

    Scientific Chemical Control Technology of Cotton

    Cotton chemical control is the most difficult technology for cotton farmers to master. According to the research of relevant departments, cotton chemical control can affect 30% of cotton production, but most cotton farmers are blindly chemical control, so it is very necessary to promote a simple and easy-to-understand cotton chemical control technology. The experience accumulated over the years is introduced as follows. The following is only the reference data of TM cotton pruning in Switzerland, and cotton farmers should use it flexibly according to soil fertility, climate and actual growth. 7-10 days after topping (around July 25): use 40 milliliters of water per mu 15

  • Scientific use of chemical control cotton can increase production

    Scientific use of chemical control cotton can increase production

    Scientific chemical control of cotton is an important scientific measure to increase cotton yield. Chemical control technology has three advantages: first, it is conducive to the early development of strong seedlings, controlling high and stable growth, and making it easy to give play to the advantages of increasing production; the second is to simplify cotton field management, save labor and cost; and third, to promote the transformation of second and third types of cotton seedlings, balanced development, increase production and increase efficiency. The principle of chemical control is "a small number of times, light control and frequent adjustment". It should be mastered "control over and over again" or "control at intervals" (flexible control according to soil fertility, rainfall and growth), preferably "once".

  • The harm of Pesticide Chemical Fertilizer: chemical Fertilizer can also be used as Pesticide? Excessive harm of chemical fertilizer to soil

    The harm of Pesticide Chemical Fertilizer: chemical Fertilizer can also be used as Pesticide? Excessive harm of chemical fertilizer to soil

    One of the biggest problems in agricultural production is the problem of diseases, insect pests and weeds. If you want to control diseases, pests and weeds, pesticides are essential, and pesticides have one.

  • The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is expected to increase zero after 5 years.

    The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is expected to increase zero after 5 years.

    At a news conference held by the Ministry of Agriculture on the 6th, the Ministry of Agriculture proposed that by 2020, China's agriculture should achieve one control, two reductions and three basics, that is, to control the total amount of agricultural water, to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and to achieve zero growth in the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides; basically achieve livestock and poultry breeding

    2016-03-20 Years later chemical fertilizers pesticides dosage expected zero growth on the 6th lift
  • When does the yam bloom?

    When does the yam bloom?

    The flourishing and chemical control of Chinese yam is a technical measure to control the flourishing and excessive growth of Chinese yam by chemical agents. To do a good job of chemical control, we must first find out the root cause of excessive growth of yam, and then give full play to the efficacy of the medicine.

    2020-11-08 Yam when control flourishing yam long chemical control
  • The best mosquito control effect can not be achieved by using chemical drugs.

    The best mosquito control effect can not be achieved by using chemical drugs.

    The best mosquito control effect can not be achieved by using chemical drugs.

  • The goal of zero growth of chemical fertilizer in 2020 will be achieved.

    The goal of zero growth of chemical fertilizer in 2020 will be achieved.

    The goal of zero growth of chemical fertilizer in 2020 will be achieved.

  • How can peanut cultivation be managed to produce high yields? What chemicals are better for chemical control?

    How can peanut cultivation be managed to produce high yields? What chemicals are better for chemical control?

    Peanut is an important oil crop in China, belonging to annual herbaceous plants. With the downward adjustment of corn purchase price in recent years, the planting area of peanuts in recent years is also expanding. So how can peanut cultivation be managed to produce high yields? What chemicals are better for chemical control?

    2020-11-09 peanut planting how management ability high yield chemical control use what
  • Application techniques of different Chemical Control agents in Cotton

    Application techniques of different Chemical Control agents in Cotton

    Cotton chemical control is the use of chemical control means to shape cotton into an ideal plant type and create a population with high light efficiency, which can make the plant grow healthily, reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, improve cotton yield and improve cotton quality. However, there are many chemical control agents at present, and the correct use technology should be adopted according to different agents in order to achieve better results. First, propranolol. At present, thalidomide is widely used in cotton chemical control, and the effect is ideal. It can reduce the plant height of cotton, reduce the number of fruit branches, promote the transfer of photosynthesis to reproductive growth, and reduce cotton bolls.

  • The utilization rate of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in the three staple grains has increased significantly.

    The utilization rate of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in the three staple grains has increased significantly.

    On December 2, the Ministry of Agriculture held a press briefing at which Zeng Yande, director of the planting Management Department, revealed that according to scientific estimates, the fertilizer utilization rate of China's three major food crops, rice, corn and wheat, was 35.2% in 2015. an increase of 2.2 percentage points over 2013; pesticide utilization rate

    2015-12-26 Three major staple grains chemical fertilizers pesticides utilization rate obvious promotion December
  • The Ministry of Agriculture publishes data on the utilization of chemical fertilizers and pesticides for the first time.

    The Ministry of Agriculture publishes data on the utilization of chemical fertilizers and pesticides for the first time.

    On December 2, the Ministry of Agriculture released data on the utilization rate of chemical fertilizers and pesticides for the first time: in 2015, the chemical fertilizer utilization rate of China's three major grain crops, rice, corn and wheat, was 35.2 percent, an increase of 2.2 percentage points over 2013; and the pesticide utilization rate was 36.6 percent, an increase of 1.6 percentage points over 2013. this

    2015-12-26 Ministry of Agriculture for the first time published chemical fertilizers pesticides utilization rates data
  • Chemical fertilizer knowledge: the types and functions of chemical fertilizer, the advantages and disadvantages of chemical fertilizer

    Chemical fertilizer knowledge: the types and functions of chemical fertilizer, the advantages and disadvantages of chemical fertilizer

    Is the chemical fertilizer easy to use? Now chemical fertilizers are not very popular, and now they are talking about organic fertilizers. What are the advantages of chemical fertilizers? Chemical fertilizer is a source of pollution: the application of a large amount of fertilizer to farmland is bound to have a great impact. Chemical fertilizer is usually one.

    2019-01-03 Chemical fertilizers knowledge points types and functions advantages and disadvantages
  • Application and Popularization of Chemical Weed Control techniques in Seedling raising of Cunninghamia lanceolata

    Application and Popularization of Chemical Weed Control techniques in Seedling raising of Cunninghamia lanceolata

    Application and Popularization of Chemical Weed Control techniques in Seedling raising of Cunninghamia lanceolata; gymnosperms of Cunninghamia lanceolata, Cunninghamia lanceolata and evergreen trees have a long history of cultivation, fast growth, good quality, straight wood texture, uniform structure, non-warping and non-cracking.

  • How to manage peanut planting in order to achieve high yield? What kind of medicine is better for chemical control?

    How to manage peanut planting in order to achieve high yield? What kind of medicine is better for chemical control?

    Peanut is an important oil crop in China, which is an annual herb. With the reduction of the purchase price of corn in recent years, the planting area of peanuts has been expanding in recent years. So how to manage peanut planting in order to achieve high yield? What kind of medicine is better for chemical control? High-yield Management techniques of Peanut
